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We are not an official distributor of the mentioned brands. Being an independent stockist and exporter with diversified purchasing, allows us to be faster, more competitive, and flexible.
We are not an official distributor of the mentioned brands. Being an independent stockist and exporter with diversified purchasing, allows us to be faster, more competitive, and flexible.
Air-brake parts translated to 10 languages (unit dictionary)

Air-brake parts translated to 10 languages (unit dictionary)

113 Airbrake related parts in 10 different languages.
A quick help, right there when you need it!

Ever needed to know the word 'Air dryer' in Dutch, or in Russian...or maybe another language?
Now we can help you.

Just start typing the name of the spare part in English and add translations at the end.

Click on the product and voila, you have the German, Italian, Dutch, French, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Arabic word on our page.


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