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We are not an official distributor of the mentioned brands. Being an independent stockist and exporter with diversified purchasing, allows us to be faster, more competitive, and flexible.
We are not an official distributor of the mentioned brands. Being an independent stockist and exporter with diversified purchasing, allows us to be faster, more competitive, and flexible.
Diesel Technic

Diesel Technic

Proudly announcing, that we are Diesel Technic partners....

Technic is one of the largest suppliers of automotive parts and accessories and was founded in Germany in 1972.

The core competence of Diesel Technic is to develop brand spare parts in guaranteed quality for various requirements and to ensure a worldwide supply of spare parts for DT Spare Parts and SIEGEL Automotive products.

Distribution partners and their workshop customers in over 150 countries value Diesel Technic's expertise as a reliable full-service partner that keeps their business and vehicles moving.


Since the company was founded in 1972, our philosophy has been to reach out to our customers, listen to them and consistently tailor what we offer to meet their needs.
With this philosophy, we have grown with our customers and have developed into one of the largest full-range suppliers of automotive parts and accessories – worldwide.



Continuous development of the range
The product range of the DT Spare Parts brand is being continually further developed and is one of the most comprehensive offers in the automotive industry.

If a new vehicle model is announced, the product management puts together a DT Spare Parts replacement parts programme specific to the vehicle and looks after the permanent development of the range.


Special Repair Kits
In order to be able to always fulfil customers’ requirements, the specialists also compile practice-oriented repair kits, the “Special Repair Kits”. These “Special Repair Kits” contain all the parts required for a repair under a part set number

This spares the time-consuming searching and ordering of individual parts.

The brand DT Spare Parts from Germany stands for a complete range with around 40 000 automotive parts and accessories with guaranteed quality and comprehensive service offerings. 

The consistent orientation towards original quality of the original equipment and the continual further development of the services have made the DT Spare Parts brand what it is today – a leading product brand in the automotive industry as an alternative to original parts of the manufacturer brands.
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