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We are not an official distributor of the mentioned brands. Being an independent stockist and exporter with diversified purchasing, allows us to be faster, more competitive, and flexible.
Knorr-Bremse SB7 and SN7 brake calipers - what is the difference?

Knorr-Bremse SB7 and SN7 brake calipers - what is the difference?

The previous version of Knorr-Bremse brake calipers, called SB7 is a dual block, floating caliper design for 22.5” wheels.

Based on the experiences, the next version called SN7 is an improved, monoblock design, where the lever housing is integrated into the caliper body. Further improvements include reinforced pad retainer, better lateral guidance, improved sealing of various components and at the same time a weight reduction of appr. 3 Kg per unit.

The SB7 and SN7 versions are 100% interchangeable.

Some of the relevant type numbers:

SB7421RC, SB7431RC, SB7422RC, SB7432RC, SB7846, SB7856, SN7325, SN7335, SN7209RC, SN7219RC, SN7265RC, SN7275RC, SN7364, SN7374, SN7366RC, SN7376RC, SB7668, SB7678, SN7088, SN7098, SN7089, SN7099, SN7121, SN7131, SB7405RC, SB7415RC, SB7409RC, SB7419RC, SN7186RC, SN7196RC, SN7187RC, SN7197RC, SN7188RC, SN7198RC, SN7203RC, SN7213RC, SN7204RC, SN7214RC, SN7205RC, SN7215RC, SN7206RC, SN7216RC, SN7207RC, SN7217RC, SN7301RC, SN7311RC, SN7308RC, SN7318RC, SN7363, SN7373, SN7388, SN7398, SN7264RC, SN7274RC, SN7050RC, SN7040RC, SB7866, SB7876, SN7043, SN7053, SB7413RC, SB7403RC, SB7401RC, SB7411RC, SB7420RC, SB7430RC, SN7185RC, SN7195RC, SN7189RC, SN7199RC, SN7200RC, SN7210RC, SN7201RC, SN7211RC, SN7241RC, SN7251RC, SN7289RC, SN7299RC, SN7300RC, SN7310RC, SN7002, SN7012, SN7003, SN7013, SN7064, SN7074, SN7161, SN7171, SN7286, SN7296, SN7305, SN7315, SB7568, SB7578, SB7686, SB7696, SB7768, SB7778, SB7988, SB7141, SB7151, SN7404, SN7449, SN7459, SB7840, SB7850, SB7603, SB761

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